Kristi Rogers co-hosts Fireside Chat with AFTP and US Army Cultural Support Team in partnership with WFGP and The PenFed Foundation
Honored to participate in this important fireside chat highlighting the heroines of the Afghan female tactical platoon (AFTP) and the US Army Cultural Support Team members with Women's Foreign Policy Group. It’s been two years since the devastating Afghan withdrawal and these Afghan allies, who were previously vetted by the US for their military service, are still waiting for their U.S. visas with no end in sight. It’s unconscionable. The U.S. Department of State needs to remove the unnecessary bureaucracy and give these women the respect and appreciation they deserve. Thank you to Alexa Chopivsky, Executive Director of WFPG; General Joseph Votel, Former Commander, United States Central Command; James Schenck, CEO, The PenFed Foundation and PenFed Credit Union; Ambassador Adela Raz, former Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States and United Nations; Thomas Seaman, Legislative Director of With Honor; Mary Kolars, CPT, USA and former Lead Advisor, Afghan Female Tactical Platoon and Cultural Support Program Manager; Jennifer Griffin, Chief National Security Correspondent, Fox News; Amanda Ripley, author and investigative journalist; and the members of the Afghan female tactical unit for sharing their stories. #Afghanistan #womenatwork #womensforeignpolicygroup #AFTP #FTP