Executive Forum

Urgent policy issues are not being addressed, and Congress has never been more important. Principal to Principal is committed now, more than ever before, to bringing executive leadership together with thoughtful Members of Congress and the executive branch to achieve results. Each year, P2P analyzes policy trends on Capitol Hill to determine issues Congress may be asking about in the future. This research provides the basis for the Executive Forum – a hand-picked group of executives and firms most poised to make an impact.

The Executive Forum provides a unique opportunity for industry leaders in the C-Suite to engage with key Members of Congress and the administration in a private, bipartisan setting. Discussions at prior functions have included energy policy, tax reform, workforce development, artificial intelligence & machine learning, and the cybersecurity landscape.

This forum creates an opportunity for timely and substantive conversation, the strengthening of relationships, and the discovery of common ground for the purpose of moving towards progress on today’s critical policy issues.

Luncheon or dinner gatherings are bipartisan and when possible bicameral. Guests are always seated around one table. Events are not open to the media or staff.

Download the Principal 2 Principal Strategies Finance Roundtable Read Ahead “Financing the Stone: Unlocking Funding for Critical Mineral and Rare Earth Element Production”

Past Guests Include (but not limited to…)


- Senator Deb Fischer
- Senator Jim Risch
- Senator Joanie Ernst
- Senator James Lankford
- Then Senator Rob Portman
- Then Senator , the late Dianne Feinstein
- Senator Mark Warner
- Senator Ron Wyden
- Senator Haggerty
- Senator Young
- then Senator & Chairman Richard Burr


- Rep. Ami Bera
- Chairman McCaul
- Chairman Gallagher
- Then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
- Then-Chairman Fred Upton
- Then-Chairman Greg Walden
- Representative Dutch Ruppersberger
- Representative Bill Keating
- Representative, now Senator Kyrsten Sinema

USTR, AMB Katherine Tai

General Paul Nakasone, Admiral Michael S. Rogers, General Keith Alexander (Ret.)

Joe Demarest