Kristi Rogers Moderates “Revolutionizing Global Supply Chains” panel at Silverado Policy Accelerator’s Annual “World On The Brink” Summit

I was thrilled to moderate a panel on “Revolutionizing Global Supply Chains” as part of Silverado Policy Accelerator's Annual Summit recently alongside an illustrious group of experts: Sushan Demirjian, Assistant USTR for Small Business, Market Access, and Industrial Competitiveness, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative; Evan Smith, CEO and Co-Founder, Altana Technologies; Jasper Jung, General Motors, Executive Director, Global Strategic Initiatives; and Narayan Subramanian, Advisor to the Secretary, Clean Energy Projects & Supply Chains, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Not only must we revolutionize our supply chains but we must modernize our global supply chains, the way we operate them, the way we invest in them, the way we incentivize and regulate them, and the way we partner to increase access and strengthen resiliency. This is imperative to preserve and progress our economic flexibility and success. Today the Communist Party of China’s control over the supply chains for numerous of our critical technologies is a single point of failure.

Thanks to Dmitri Alperovitch, Maureen H., Sarah Stewart and the entire Silverado team for a truly exceptional “World on the Brink” Summit. The participation was high-level, the conversation was timely, thought-provoking and solution-oriented. hashtag#WorldontheBrinkSummit hashtag#SupplyChain hashtag#GlobalSupplyChain hashtag#internationaltrade


Kristi Rogers moderates panel at ENGAGE State of the Majority Summit with Gloria Blackwell and Bonnie Barczykowski


Kristi Rogers participates in BENS Roundtable with Eliav Benjamin