Principal to Principal Launches Global Supply Chain Task Force

In September 2020, Principal to Principal announced the launch of a Global Supply Chain Task Force, whose Phase One efforts will be focused on pandemic response.   COVID-19 is ushering in a new normal that is drastically altering our global supply chain networks.  The pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses and risks in many current supply chains across the globe.  Risk will need to be further mitigated, and resiliency must be bolstered.  The Task Force will hold regular virtual conferences with administration officials, senior congressional staff, corporate leaders, academics, and policy experts.

The Co-Chairs of the Task Force are The Honorable Mike Rogers, Vice Chair of MITRE and former House Intelligence Committee Chairman; and The Honorable Joe Crowley, former Member of the US House of Representatives, where he served as Chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

Read more about Phase One here: GSCTF Phase One


P2P Hosts SolarWinds Hack Virtual Forum


P2P Co-Founder Rachel Pearson hosts second Engage Summit on July 24, 2019; Partner and Co-Founder Kristi Rogers moderates panel on Small Business: the Challenges and Promise of Female Entrepreneurs.