• Strategic Insights.

  • Private Forums.

  • Impactful Results.

“P2P has led an incredibly innovative and successful task force, which has produced actionable and effective recommendations to improve our Nation’s preparedness… Our Nation is fortunate to have such dedicated leaders involved in this critical challenge.”

— Gregory L. Bowman, J.D., LL.M.

Chief Strategy Officer & Senior Vice President at Siemens Government Technologies

Principal to Principal is uniquely positioned with networks across Congress, the executive branch, the diplomatic community, and Washington’s cultural and business communities. We  span the coasts from Silicon Valley to New York City and in between. Our engagements cover merger and acquisition relationships, global supply chains, risk management, cybersecurity issues, tax and trade policy, and artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives, to name a few.

Principal to Principal Forums bring senior executive leaders and decision-makers together in an intimate and confidential setting to consider new and constructive approaches to today’s problems.

We are subtle and effective strategic players operating at the most senior levels in a sophisticated and focused manner. We complement and leverage government affairs, public relations, and C-suite teams.  We understand and have real experience with risk management & mitigation, managing bottom lines, navigating board rooms, and achieving results. We build relationships before you need them.